Who we are, how we organize and what our public sector employee.

President, representatives, government bodies and management personnel
President, representatives, government bodies and management personnel

Organisational structure and human resources
The organisational structure, workforce, list of job positions, selection processes, remuneration, compatibility authorisations and information on trade union pacts, agreements and representatives.
- Structure and functions
- Selection processes for permanent and temporary staff
- Cercador de proves selectives
- Workforce and list of job positions
- Formation processes
- Remuneration of public sector employees
- Compatibility
- Agreements and conventions of civil servants and other employees
- Trade union representation
- Delegat/da de protecció de dades

Code of conduct for senior officials
Code of conduct for all senior officials at all the local government bodies in Catalonia
- Canal intern de comunicacions
- Bústia de bon govern
- Consultes, queixes i suggeriments
- Sistema d'Integritat Institucional i Pla de Mesures Antifrau
- Code of conduct for senior officials
- Codi de conducta dels càrrecs electes i del personal directiu professional
- Codi de conducta comú dels grups d’interès
- Comissió de Bon Govern, Transparència, Govern Obert i Qualitat Institucional
- Resolucions de les sol·licituds d’accés a la informació pública